Source code for formencode_jsonschema.schema

from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from formencode.api import Validator as FormencodeValidator
from formencode.schema import Schema as FormencodeSchema

from .converters import DEFAULT_CONVERTERS, SchemaDelegate

[docs]class JSONSchema(Schema, SchemaDelegate): """ Marshmallow schema for convert Formencode's schema to JSON schema. You can add more converters by overriding ``__validator_converters__`` field. """ type = fields.Constant('object') properties = fields.Method('get_properties') required = fields.Method('get_required') __validator_converters__ = DEFAULT_CONVERTERS
[docs] def get_required(self, schema: FormencodeSchema): fields = schema.fields required = [] for name, validator in fields.items(): if self.is_required(validator): required.append(name) return required
[docs] def get_properties(self, schema: FormencodeSchema): fields = schema.fields properties = {} for name, validator in fields.items(): properties[name] = self.convert_validator(validator) return properties
[docs] def handle_unknown_validator(self, validator: FormencodeValidator): """When schema found unknown validator, handle that here.""" raise ValueError( "Can not convert a validator {validator!r}" .format(validator=validator))
# Delegate implementations
[docs] def can_convert(self, validator: FormencodeValidator): for converter in self.__validator_converters__: if converter.can_convert(validator, self): return True return False
[docs] def is_required(self, validator: FormencodeValidator): for converter in self.__validator_converters__: if converter.can_convert(validator, self) and \ converter.is_required(validator, self): return True return False
[docs] def convert_validator(self, validator: FormencodeValidator): for converter in self.__validator_converters__: if converter.can_convert(validator, self): return converter.convert(validator, self) return self.handle_unknown_validator(validator)